NAS Recovery: A Case Study

NAS Recovery: A Case Study


Network-Attached Storage (NAS) devices have become famous for their ability to store and share data across networks. However, data loss can still occur for various reasons, such as software issues or user errors. In this case study, we will investigate a scenario where a customer sought our assistance for NAS recovery on his Synology DS918+ with two HGST 3.5" 6TB HDDs.

Initial Cause of Data Loss

The customer approached us after experiencing data loss on his NAS. Initially, he made changes to file organization and performed data cleanup, including renaming a user folder. However, after renaming the folder, all the data within it disappeared. Upon checking the disk usage capacity, it remained the same as before. Unfortunately, his MacBook failed to detect the NAS. He reverted to the previous folder name to restore access. Still, the data remained missing, and the disk usage capacity showed zero.

NAS Recovery Process

Our expert data recovery specialist examined the NAS Synology DS918+ and discovered that it was configured with RAID 1 and utilized the BTRFS file system. This indicated software-related issues as the cause of the data loss. Leveraging specialized techniques, our team successfully recovered the deleted files from the original file system.

NAS Recovery Outcome

Through our diligent efforts, our data recovery specialist was able to recover the lost data from all the hard disks in the NAS. To ensure data integrity, the recovered data was securely transferred to a backup external hard disk provided by the user.

Suggestion for NAS Recovery

When dealing with malfunctioning storage devices that require data recovery, it is imperative to seek professional assistance from a reputable data recovery center. A thorough diagnosis from experts can help prevent further data loss and increase the chances of successful recovery. If you need reliable NAS recovery services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

In conclusion, NAS devices can experience data loss due to software issues or user errors. However, with the expertise of a specialized data recovery team, it is often possible to recover lost data from NAS systems. Remember to prioritize professional assistance and diagnostic evaluations to minimize the risk of further data loss during the NAS recovery process.

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