SAMSUNG SSD T5 Deleted Data Recovery

SSD Deleted Data Recovery

Case description:

A customer engaged with us and wanted to retrieve his data from Samsung T5 Solid State drive (SSD). It is a portable SSD used for data storage. The SSD was connected to the computer when he tries to format his computer. This SSD was accidentally selected for reformat and reinstall. Halfway through, he just realized that he had selected the wrong drive. He stops the whole process of this installation and ejected this SSD.  Unfortunately, the data from this SSD were deleted and gone. Initially, he wanted to try an online free recovery software to recover the missing data, but he af­­raid that it might affect the original data which is very important. After thoughtful consideration, he decided not to use the online recovery software. He kept his SSD aside and maintained its condition before dropping by our Singapore recovery centre for assessment.

Action (Solution):

EHDR’s data recovery specialist scan through the sectors with appropriate recovery tools and manage to find some missing data. After the confirmation, we cloned the device and did a sector-to-sector scan to look for deleted data on the cloned drive. Based on the information given by the client, we manage to find some data by using file extensions. Since the SSD were reformatted and some storage was used during the installation process, some data was overwritten by the new data. We extracted all the available data for him and he came to EHDR centre to check through the data.

The Outcome

In this case, even though some of the data were overwritten, but some of the important work files were recovered.


If you ever face any issue above, do not use unknown online software to recover data from your storage device without professional advice. Any false action might affects the data and lower down the changes of recovery. Engage with any of the professional Singapore data recovery centres and seek for advice.

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