Sandisk USB Flash Drive Not Showing Up

Sandisk Thumb Drive Not Showing Up

26 May 2022 – Sandisk 128GB thumb drive

Case description:

A customer contacted us to help to recover data from her SanDisk Ultra type C thumb drive – 128GB.
The thumb drive stopped working a week ago, when she connected to her MacBook, it is undetectable, she checked Disk Utility under her MacBook, undetectable too. She tried a different computer and different port, but it remained the same. The thumb drive was never dropped before, and it just stopped working suddenly. She has a lot of important data on the thumb drive that needs to be recovered.

Action (Solution):

EHDR’s data recovery dismantled the thumb drive for assessment and there is no physical damage or crack found on the thumb drive, temperature is normal too. The thumb drive stopped working likely to be the chip of the thumb drive was degraded and faulty. Based on the condition of this chip, data recovery is still possible. A monolithic recovery method is needed. This method will take some time to dump all the data from the chip and decode it once successfully dumped. As the data are urgently needed, EHDR appointed a recovery specialist to focus only on this case.

The Outcome

The out of this recovery is positive, we managed to recover the data from the faulty thumb drive. We contacted our client to check through all the extracted data. The important data were recovered, and she was happy with the recovery outcome.


If you have a faulty thumb drive and require data recovery services, please feel free to contact us for a free assessment. Try not to access the drive without proper advice as it might further damage the storage drive and lower the chances of recovery.

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