Seagate 2.5 HDD 2TB Data Recovery Service

Seagate 2.5 HDD 2TB Data Recovery Service

Problem Description:

A customer had sent in one Seagate 2.5 HDD 2TB external hard disk to seek help from our data recovery service. This hard disk was totally unable been detected by the computer, and there is a scratch kind of sound when plugs into PC.

Seagate 2.5 HDD 2TB Data Recovery Service

Seagate 2.5 HDD 2TB Data Recovery Service

Action to be taken:

Ever Higher data recovery specialist heard the customer description, he suspects the reading head probably stuck on the platter, causing the scratching sound.

So, data recovery specialist directly went into the clean room, to prevent any dust falls on the disk and cause more damage to the data.  He needs to perform a check, see how badly the scratch part, and if the scratch part is small, he still had the ability to recover customer data back.

Upon opening the cover of the hard disk, see the picture below. The user definite try to use it when the hard disk is already got something wrong. There had no chance for our data recovery specialist can recover the data back.

Seagate 2.5 HDD 2TB Data Recovery Service

So, from this case, our data recovery specialist suggests all the customer once got some wrong with the hard disk, it better stops using it, otherwise, it will cause a un-estimate problem.

external hard disk repair and recovery

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