Seagate External Hard Disk Mechanical Failure Data Recovery

Seagate External Hard Disk Mechanical Failure Data Recovery

One of our anxious customers call us regard that she have all important assignments in her external hard drive and she not able to extract the data and submit her assignments before tight assignment date line.

Our Ever Higher customer care colleagues have calm the users and wish to further understand her external hard drive status. Our customers have mention that her external hard drive have a clicking sound while she plug into her laptop and her friends laptop but not able to view the drive.

Our customer care colleagues immediate advice the users to unplug the external hard drive and put aside as we suspect her external hard drive might facing the mechanical failures. We have request our customer to send in the external hard drive in order our data recovery specialists can provide 100% free assessment for her external hard drive.

After our data recovery specialist receive the hard drive within the day. We provide instant assessment toward the external hard drive and update our customer external hard drive having the faulty drive head and percentage we able to recover the data within 1 business day.

After our customer engaged of our data recovery services, we will proceed with below steps to replace the spoilt hard drive head for our customer external hard drive under our own clean room.

After few hours of our data recovery specialist hard work, we have manage to recover up to 97% percentage of customers files. We are glad to hear that our customers manage to submit her assignment before her assignments end date.

All the documents can be readable and we manage to recover 97% of the data for our Customer. We are glad and happy to help our customers to recover all his important data back.

external hard disk repair and recovery

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