Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

Recently we just receive a Sony 16 GB SD Card data recovery case. This customer is a student who records and store their CCA activities inside the SD Card, and the customer has accidentally overwritten the existing video with a new one, and now he wants to burn the old video inside CD but cannot recover back his old file.  The customer had using Google Search some of the recovery tools, and try to see whether the tools work but were unsuccessful. So, he decides to engage our data recovery service.

Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

As usual, when our data recovery specialist first received this SD Card, he performs an entire scan of the hard disk, makes sure there is damage on the SD Card. After which our data recovery specialist insert the SD card into the computer, and the SD card is detectable, so the next step, he open the data recovery tool to analysis the data and found out the video contains 2 fragments which explain why the customer cannot online recovery tool to recover the data back, as the video is not stored in continuous location which makes them hard to recover the data.

Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

The only solution our data recovery specialist know is to ask the customer to provide a sample of the video, as the same recording device will have the same video types, so he can analyze the video type and write a script to recover the data.

Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

Finally, within one day we manage to retrieve back the data, we can see from the picture below, all the video manages to recover back

Sony 16GB SD Card Data Recovery Service

It is another success story we had achieved, and the customer was satisfied with our fast and efficient data recovery service.

sd card data recovery singapore

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