Sony PlayStation – Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

Sony PlayStation - Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

Recently we receive a Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card from one of the customers to seek our assistant to retrieve the important data back. He had to find serval data recovery service center but none of them were able to recover the data back, the reason was that part that near to the end was broken into half, which increases the difficulty level of recovery data back. This SD Card was initially inserted into the Sony PlayStation, but due to some mistake, the customer accidentally broke the SD card, and this SD card contains all the screenshot of the game which is an important memory.

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

When we first receive this Harddisk, we double check with the customer that we also not 100 percent confirm able to recover back his data, the reason was because this SD card was broken, we need to use special data recovery tool to connect each component, and check the how many percentage of invalid sector, the high of the percentage, the low probability to recover data back.

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service


To perform such surgery, our data recovery needs to wipe off the surface mark until we can see the printed circuit board (PCB). Next, our data recovery needs to print out the PCB parts and do some research to see what the function of the component inside the PCB, so that he will not connect wrongly in the later stage.

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

After figure out the different function of the component inside the PCB, our data recovery specialist start connect the SD card with our data recovery tool, we need to be careful that the pin is connected correctly to the port of PCB, otherwise, the recovery tool was not able to detect anything.

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

Next, our data recovery specialist opens the recovery tool and check the information of the SD card, we can see that some basic information like the chip number, block size, sector number etc. Next we need to see condition status of data, we using the black and white stripe diagram to view it, the more fluctuation, the better it is, and from the diagram we can see that the result was not so good, we also using green, brown and black color to view the sector, and from the diagram below we can see that part of data was in bad sector, as data not store in a sequence order, if there is a bad sector between the data, the chance of recover data back was decrease.

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

Final step was to check the percentage of the invalid sector, from the result below we can see that the invalid sector had hit up to 8.91gb out of 33gb, according to our data recovery specialist, if the invalid sector had already exceeded the 10 percent, the data cannot recover back anymore.

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

We can use one example below, the picture we help to recover was shown parts of the image. So we are sad to tell our customer that we not able to recover his data back, but it was a good experience for us.

Transcend Premium 32GB Micro SD Card Data Recovery Service

sd card data recovery singapore

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