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Premium Forensic Solution

Elcomsoft Premium Forensic Bundle 164×200

Elcomsoft Premium Forensic Bundle

Extract data from mobile devices, unlock documents, decrypt archives, break into encrypted containers,
view and analyze evidence.

Integrated Forensic Solution

Elcomsoft Desktop Forensic Bundle 205×250

Elcomsoft Desktop Forensic Bundle

All password recovery tools in a single value pack. Unlock documents, decrypt archives, break into encrypted
containers with an all-in-one Desktop Forensic Bundle.

Elcomsoft Mobile Forensic Bundle 205×250

Elcomsoft Mobile Forensic Bundle

Perform physical, logical and over-the-air acquisition of smartphones and tablets, break mobile backup passwords and decrypt encrypted backups,
view and analyze information stored in mobile devices

Password Recovery

Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery 205×250

Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery

Break complex passwords, recover encryption keys and unlock documents in a production environment.

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Digital Investigation
Incident Respond
E-Discovery & Litigation Support

#Reach Us @ +65- 6817 6277

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Find out more about our Integrated Tools

How They Work

Advanced Office Password Recovery

Recover, remove or circumvent passwords protecting documents created with a variety of office suites. Break passwords to Microsoft Office documents and files in OpenOffice, WordPerfect Office, Lotus SmartSuite, Apple iWork, and Hangul Office formats.

Advanced EFS Data Recovery

Break NTFS encryption and decrypt files protected with the Encrypting File System (EFS) in Windows.

Advanced PDF Password Recovery

Instantly unlock PDF restrictions and enable editing, printing, and copying of locked PDF files. Recover original PDF passwords with configurable attacks. Break 40-bit encryption in under a minute with patented Thunder Tables technology.

Elcomsoft Internet Password Breaker

Instantly extract passwords, stored forms, and AutoComplete information from popular Web browsers and email clients. View individual passwords, export all data into a text file, or build a perfect custom dictionary to speed up password recovery attacks performed with other tools.

Elcomsoft System Recovery

Reset passwords to local Windows accounts and Microsoft Accounts in all versions of Windows. Assign administrative privileges to any user account, reset expired passwords or export password hashes for offline recovery, and create forensic disk images. Supplied with bootable Windows PE environment.

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