Buffalo NAS Build With RAID 0 Data Recovery Service

Buffalo NAS Build With RAID 0 Data Recovery Service

Problem Description:

We had received a Buffalo NAS from a customer.

Buffalo NAS Data Recovery Service In Singapore

According to customer description, this NAS was built with raid 0 and had bought back 5 years ago, recently he had received error message from the log center states that disk 1 had failed, so the customer had bought a new hard disk to replace it, but after replacement, customer found out that all his folder was gone.

The data is very important, so customer went to google search and found out Ever Higher Data Recovery Center is one of top success rate in NAS recovery, thus he engaged our recover service.

Action to be taken:

Ever Higher Data Recovery Specialist had handled a lot of NAS recovery case regards of different kind of RAID it had been built with. Our data recovery specialist does an entire check of the hard disk surface before he begins to recover data, to make sure there is no damaged to the hard disk.

Buffalo NAS Data Recovery Service In Singapore

After checking everything is fine, our data recovery specialist plugs in the faulty hard disk to our data recovery tool, the purpose is to analysis the hard disk condition, in order to identify whether there is other issue on it. The result shows the faulty hard health condition had dropped to 9%, a massive number of bad sectors was found.

Buffalo NAS Data Recovery Service In Singapore

Our data recovery specialist needs to clone out the data from this faulty hard disk first, as the faulty hard disk is really will fall in any time, we also don’t want to cause any more damage to the hard disk itself.  After cloning done, our data recovery specialist had configured some setting, and all the data was found.


We are glad that we managed to recover all the important data back for our customer, the customer was appreciated for our hard work and willing to recommend our data recovery service to other.

external hard disk repair and recovery

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Keep Calm! We save Your data!!!
#Reach Us @ +65- 6817 6277

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