Samsung Note 2 Mobile Phone Data Recovery Service

Samsung Note 2 Mobile Phone Data Recovery Service

One of our customer’s Samsung Note 2 handphone (GTN7-105) is totally dead (unable to power on), our panicked customer raced to find handphone repair shop who could repair her handphone.

Customer had sent in her handphone to many different phone repair shops and official service center without much success and all of them recommend replacing the motherboard. However, replacing a new motherboard on the spoiled handphone would mean loss of all her data and photos stored on her handphone.

After dissembling the handphone into its respective components, we proceed to remove the integrated circuit (IC) or microchip which is the individual part that house all the important files and folders inside the handphone. For this process, our data recovery specialist used heating equipment to increase the temperature for the specific area on the motherboard surrounding the microchip. He took extra caution and care to ensure the high temperature would not damage the microchip.

For handphone data recovery, all handphones use NAND Flash technology which is a type of non-volatile storage technology also used for MP3 players, digital cameras and USB drives. However, the type of flash memory used for the respective handphones varies among the different handphone models.


In the case of selected flash memory commonly found in older handphone models (For example EMMC 153/169, EMCP 221 etc.), usually we can successfully recover the 100% unless there’s software or OS encryption….it more difficult to recover the data for such case

However, for newer or higher end handphone models such as Samsung S6 beyond, Galaxy Note which used UFS microchips (UFS 2.1 vs UFS 2.0), the chances of successfully recovering data becoming drastically difficult.

After successfully taking out the microchip, we proceed to scan the extracted microchip using our memory card and…..SUCCESS….we can proceed to diagnose using our specialized data recovery software. Upon inspection, our engineer discovered to recover the files successfully, the FAT reference tables would require restructuring. Afterwards, the files can now be recovered!!!


mobile phone data recovery service

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